Ryan McCuaig
Senior Advisor, Technology
Ryan is a registered architect and software designer practicing in Vancouver. He worked as a project architect for fifteen years, specializing in complex recreational and academic renovations. He now concentrates on coaxing computers of all kinds into helping architects, engineers and contractors make better, more sustainable, more humane buildings.
Our team has decades of experience in green building innovation, software development, and business development.
With executive and management level experience in policy-making, real estate development, property management, architecture, energy modelling, product management, and business management, we have a holistic understanding of the building sector and the leverage points to create positive change.
OPEN Technologies grew out of the OPEN Green Building Society, a non-profit organization that has been developing open source software tools for the green building space since 2013. Today, OPEN Technologies and OPEN Green Building Society are affiliated organizations with a shared goal: to use data to shape a regenerative future for our cities.