
Smart Surfaces

is a tool that provides urban decision-makers a cost-benefit model of using surfaces that reduce urban heat island effect, absorb carbon and/or reduce run-off.

Three for All

is a campaign to promote judicious implementation of the BC Energy Step Code. OPEN Green Building Society was a member of the Three for All coalition and acted as its secretariat.


is an industry hub that facilitates knowledge exchange to accelerate market transformation.


allows designers, engineers, and energy modellers of Part 3 buildings to explore the energy performance impact of a range of design options.

CaGBC Disclosure Challenge

OPEN was grateful to be a part of the core working group for CaGBC’s early push to show private sector support for building energy performance transparency, and to run the program’s disclosure elements on GRID since the 2018 reporting cycle.

Learn more about GRID

The Building Envelope Thermal Bridging Guide

organizes thermal bridging performance data, ie. the rate of heat transfer through a building envelope, into an easily accessible resource for engineers, designers and energy modellers looking to mitigate heat escape.